
Saturday, November 1, 2014

My 1961 Audition Radio

Check out this 1961 Audition Radio - isn't it cool?  I love the huge round dials for AM/FM and all the great knobs and lights....

My husband bought this radio at a garage sale about 30 years ago.  This yellowed piece of paper was taped along the side and has all the old Chicago AM/FM radio stations listed on it.   We had it in the house for awhile and then it migrated out to the garage so my husband could listen to it when he was working on his trucks.  Somewhere along the line it got shoved up on a shelf, paint cans got placed in front of it and we forgot all about it. 

Last week I saw an article online about old transistor radios and it got me to thinking about this table top model that we had.  I couldn't imagine what the heck happened to it, although I knew we wouldn't have thrown it out.  After much digging around, and lots of swearing at the amount of crap we have in our my husband's garage, I found it.  I had to climb across the riding lawn mower, stand on a workbench and move a lot of dried out paint cans and a heavy toolbox to get to it.  I took the radio into the house, cleaned it up, turned it on and was shocked at how clear the sound still is....

Based on the model number on the back  and a little online research, I am guessing that this model was made in 1961.  I cleared off a place on top of my office file cabinet and now I can listen to music while I'm working or crafting - usually country music on US 99.5.

Of course, Louie walked into the office, took one look at it and wanted to know how his radio ended up in my office....  I bet he hasn't even thought about that radio in about 15 years.   ;-)


  1. Yet another parallel between our Hubby has one very similar to this on his bedside table....!! I'll have to see what brand it is, and send you a pic!! :)

  2. I wish I still had one of those oldies! The new ones just don't compare. :)

    1. I know - isn't the sound fab? Kind of reminds me of my old stereo and vinyl albums.

  3. That's a sweet little radio! My husband picked up a similar one at an Estate sale. Have a great weekend!

  4. That's so cool! I'm going to try and enlarge the image detailing the radio stations and see if my hubby doesn't remember them.

    99.5? I may just look them up on Google and give them a listen on the computer this afternoon! (My normal 'go-to' station is Real Country 96.3, Wickenburg. Lots of oldies, classic country, if you want to check them out!)

    Have a great day!

    1. Oh I bet your hubby will remember quite a few of those stations, altho some of them are no longer around. US99 is quite popular in Chicago for country and I can usually get it in KY too.

  5. Kewl radio! I laughed really loud when I read about you climbing around trying to find it. Good thing you could use your geocache skills!

  6. What a find! And in your own garage too. :)

  7. I love it! What a great radio and I'm glad you found it! A great one to have too.

  8. What a cool radio!! Men...they are like a dog..peeing on a
    So glad you are getting use out of such a fine old piece. Enjoy!

  9. Hi Kim! Oh, that's a cool treasure and especially if it still works. Well, you know what? I'm not surprised at all that you can do the splits and turn cartwheels! ;)
    Be a sweetie,Shelia ;)


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