
Monday, October 20, 2014

Estate Sale Finds Oct. 20, 2014

The estate sales and garage sales are really trickling down to almost nothing now.  We did manage to find one small garage sale on Saturday and then on Sunday we hit an estate sale, but by that time it was already the 2nd day and it had been pretty picked over.  On the up side however, everything was half price, which is always nice.

Chablis picked up the adorable Christmas tray.  I chose the awesome Stanley thermos in purple -   Brand new, never used and the purple color is too cool.  I also grabbed the 2 painted cutting boards and I wasn't home 10 minutes before I already had taken my electric sander to both of them.   The smaller one is destined to become a key holder and I have an experiment I'm wanting to try on the round one.  Hopefully I'll get to that this week.  I'll let you know.

Chablis also got the brand new Nutcracker for her Christmas decorations, a new grater and the wooden hanger.  We always like those because of the advertising on them.   I took the red handled whisk and the little angel is actually a bell.  I may sell the whisk, maybe not.  It's in pretty decent shape and I'm always using whisks.  The bell may be incorporated into something or added to a string of bells I have hanging in my bedroom in Kentucky.  Undecided....

This large wooden cutting board was caked with grease and slice marks.  I mean caked.  Ick.  But once I sanded off the top few layers of wood, you will not believe the gorgeous warm red tone this wood has.  It's fab.  It cleaned up beautifully.  Now I have to decide if I want to take my wood burning tool to it.  I'm telling you, the color is beautiful.   The rectangular wooden box slides open.  Somebody named Linda scribbled her name all over it in pencil.  I took it because it's perfect for a geocache I want to make.

And my favorite find of the weekend was the Schweppes crate.  I rarely see these and the price was right.  The woman who was selling it at the garage sale was really giving me her hard sell on it...  "Oh, that's such a nice sturdy crate.  I've had it for years.  It's been sitting in my living room for forever.   I almost hate to give it up."   LOL...  Ok lady, I sincerely hope it was not sitting in your living room because it was extremely filthy and had huge cobwebs and dead bugs all over it, not to mention the years of dirt embedded in every crevice.  Whatever.  I didn't even try to talk her down on the price because it was that cheap and I really wanted it.

PLUS.......  It says Chicago, ILL. on the side.  Score!!

What did you find this week?

Linking up with....


  1. Kim, you found some great things. I can't wait to see what you do with the round cutting board. Have a super week! Hugs, Dianne

    1. Thanks Diane - well, it was an epic fail, so watch for the blog post about it. :-)

  2. Pretty good for this time of year! No sales for me at all this weekend. "Sitting in my living room..." Too funny.

  3. There you go again! Finding the best things and now I wait to see what you do with them! I feel as if I'm with y'all every time I read your posts! Love these shares.

    1. Thanks Dolly - I love going around to the different blogs and seeing what everyone finds each week too.

  4. Wow - you always find the most interesting items! And you're so creative, cleaning up and creating new things from your garage sale finds.

    1. Thanks linda, now if I could only make some money off of that. :-)

  5. hahaha sitting in her living room! How did you stop from laughing at that?! It's a kewl crate and now you have a funny story with that!
    I luv the Christmas tray that Chablis found!! And, I cant wait to see what you do with the cutting boards and that cute little box!
    This is what I found this weekend: lots of crumbs when I cleaned out the cabinets! lol

    1. I'm cracking up over here about that Sweppes crate, Kim.
      Funny you mention the wooden hangers ... I still have a few left over from my parents, and it's probably been a couple decades now - but one of my biggest regrets is misplacing the one hanger we accidentally 'borrowed' from a cruise ship that burned a sank just a couple weeks after we were on her (the Yarmouth Castle).

      BTW, I ordered my boss' Christmas present this weekend - a stamped cereal spoon - from Milk & Honey Luxuries. Thanks again for the recommendation! :)

    2. Oh that's great. What did you have stamped onto it? I kind of want to try doing that - it looks like fun. I know, just another project to add to my already long list of stuff I never finish. xo

  6. Lots of great finds, Kim--it must've been "wood" day, right? Love the bread boards--I think I pinned your bread board-stenciling project--

    1. I hope you try making one of the board projects - they are fun.

  7. all great finds.. the purple thermo is really pretty

  8. That Schwepps box is pretty cool - I've never seen one before! Thanks for sharing @ TTF!

  9. those are some wonderful things you've snagged. love your blog, I'm your newest follower.

  10. Greetings from Fargo, ND! I found your blog quite by accident and saw your estate finds. I about died (LOL) when I saw your estate finds and then found out you sanded them down! Those particular items are Norwegian rosemaled pieces. The round one might have been originally painted or possibly printed on; however, the one you're using as a key holder would've definitely been an original painted item and you could've possibly resold for $50+! (I might've bought it from you if I were still collecting rosemaling!) The person who painted that item was quite talented as it was really gorgeous. Oh well, I did enjoy your shelling post about the junonia. That's the post that originally caught my attention!

  11. Wow - well I live and learn. I've never heard of rosemaling but now I'll be keeping an eye out for that.


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