
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How To Make a Vintage Spoon Holder

For Tony's birthday last spring I had ordered him a special vintage stamped spoon.  You can read about it here.  Tony's been using his spoon when he eats his cereal or oatmeal, but given my track record for letting silverware slip down the garbage disposal, he was afraid I'd accidentally grind it up.  So last week he handed me his spoon and asked me to come up with a way for him to safely display it in his room.   Hmmm......

I went and dug thru my box of old picture frames and found a thick one that coincidentally didn't have any glass.  Then I grabbed 2 beat up pieces of wood from my stash pile and cut them to fit the back of the frame.  I just traced around the frame and cut the wood to size.  I gave the wood a quick coat of stain and once it dried I nailed them to the back of the picture frame....

Last week at a garage sale I had picked up these cute little numbers and letters inside metal rings, so I chose the number 4 for Tony's birthdate ...

And wrote his name using some of the letters, holding them in place with spiked nails.   Then I used an old staple to attach the spoon to the wood.  I love the wood grain, don't you?

It made for a quick and easy project.  Tony was thrilled with how it turned out.  It has a masculine feel to it, don't you think?  It's hanging on the wall in his bedroom and his precious spoon is safe from his mother who tends to get a little fast and loose with the garbage disposal.

Linking up with....


  1. Very cool! Those letters/numbers were a real find!

    1. They weren't something I'd normally buy either, so that worked out.

  2. I love it! What a great idea, and it turned out better than I would ever have imagined. You have such a creative vision! :)

    1. Thanks Gail - look whose talking, Miss Making Tote bags like crazy!! xo

  3. This is such a fun project that you can personalize in so many ways. I picked up a magazine at the dentist this week and it showed vintage cutting boards. I thought of you! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Diane. I wish I had more of that size picture frame. :-)

  4. Oh my goodness!!! This is adorable, Kim!! I love the letters...are they from an old type writer? What a treasure you created for your son! LOVE it!!

    1. Thanks Debbie - I thought they reminded me of typewriter keys too but they are metal circles with a sticker. :-)

  5. A wonderful way to treasure a special item. Love the box and the details you added.

  6. This is just too cute and original! I like it a lot!

  7. What a great idea! You are so creative! I've always wanted to hammer words onto spoons but never had the right tools! Love the woodgrain on this also! Have a great weekend!
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

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  8. Oh my goodness! What is all that gobbledygook on my comment?!? Sorry about that! Hope it's not some kind of virus or something! ; (

    1. I'm sure its nothing Sandy. :-)

      Thanks for the nice comment - I actually want to buy some of those stamps and start doing that but I think I have too many things going on as it is. My husband is going to kill me. LOL.

  9. You have a great creative imagination! Such a great idea Kim!!

  10. We are so glad you shared the treasured spoon and the box you created on Make It Monday!

  11. I like old wood and spoons! Great project.

  12. What a great idea! Stamped silverware and typewriters...two of my favorite things. Love the box you created!! Thanks for sharing at Salvage Style.

  13. This is a GREAT LOOKING project! Thanks so much for sharing at Revisionary Life Thrifty Life Thursday link party this week!

    1. I enjoy sharing over at your party - thanks so much.

  14. Cute project. Thanks for sharing @ TTF!

    1. Thanks Melissa - it was one of my favorites to make.


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