
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Delaney's Surplus Art Park

When we were up in Wisconsin to go hiking and geocaching at  Devil's Lake State Park,  the rain sort of ruined our plans.  So after a late Plan B lunch and a break in the weather, we drove over to do a geocache called Dr. Evermore & Lady Eleanor.  This geocache has almost 200 favorite points, so we knew we had to stop and grab it.

Hidden behind Delaney's Surplus store and salvage yard, you walk around to the rear of the building and enter another world.  Everywhere you look are objects covered with rust, and sculptures created out of every imaginable item.  Come along and take a peek at this magical world.....

 I loved the old phone booth in the background....

Carnival rides, old cars, trucks, tractors, tools, tables, trains, tires, even things that I had no idea what they even were could be found here....

This unique art park has some of the coolest sculptures I've ever seen.  Robots, animals, and insects are created out of rusty old tools, tire spokes and rims, musical instruments, sheets of metal and thing-a-ma-bobs....

Wouldn't this be a great place for a night cache or a haunted night tour??

Cute little insects made out of old propellers....

An ostrich??

Aren't these great?  I would love to see the artist creating these things....

There were hundreds of assorted musical instruments that were used to create different things.  It was mind boggling.  Tubas, saxophone's and bugles in particular.  The bugles were my favorite and there were dozens of them.  I should have bought one to take home.

Stairway to heaven????

Huge guitar made out of musical instruments....

I see an eagle.  What do you see?

Old Tommy Bartlett's tour bus that is being used as an office.  We stopped in and said hello to the woman who owns the place.  She knows about the geocache hidden here and wished us luck in finding it....

Louie said he remembered seeing this art park on an episode of Antique Archeology.  I bet those junkers had a high time going through here looking for things....

So I guess one man's junk truly is another man's treasure and beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.  Oh yeah, we found the geocache too and I gave this cache another well deserved favorites point.  We'd have never found this place if we didn't go geocaching which is just another fine example of the cool things you'll come across if you take up this hobby.

The art park is located behind Delaney's Surplus in Freedom, Wisconsin.  It's free to anyone but is located in a fenced area on private property behind the store.  From the cache page the hours of access are:

Open 9AM to 5PM, Mon, Thur, Fri, & Sat...Sunday Noon to 5PM CLOSED Tuesday and Wednesday.

Anyone can visit the park, so you don't have to be a geocacher to do so.  And while you're there, check out the store. 


  1. Amazing!
    ... and yes, I've caught myself humming 'Stairway to Heaven"!
    Being a player, I know my hubby would love seeing those old musical instruments.
    Thanks for opening our eyes to this park!

    1. The variety of old musical instruments was amazing - where did they all come from?

  2. Pretty wild. I've never heard of that before. Thanks for sharing.

    1. If you're ever up that way be sure to stop and see it.

  3. You really do find the coolest places! :)

  4. How neat to see this in person. I remember seeing it on American Pickers, too. AMAZING! Happy Sunday!

    1. Do you? I don't think I saw that episode but Louie said he did the minute we walked into the place. xo

  5. Oh my! This looks like absolute fun!
    it sort of has that Steam Punk vibe going on there.
    Seriously, I've often thought about Geocaching. but have never read up on it enough to do it.
    Plus-- it creeps the hubby out. He thinks the bad guys are waiting to get you...when you're out snooping around.
    I went into town to take pictures by myself today-- and he could hardly stand it. LOL...
    this place just fascinates me...
    I clicked the pictures to enlarge and check out the detail better.

    1. Geocaching is actually a pretty safe hobby. I would just suggest using normal caution - like I don't go in the woods by myself.

      The art park was very interesting - its cool to see how someone else's brain thinks things up.

  6. This is so cool. I doubt I'll ever make it that far north, but I'm so glad you shared it with me!

  7. Hi Kim! Oh, my what a place. Reminds me of steampunks. Have you seen those folks? You still have so much fun and thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Hey there busy lady - glad to see you took a break to do a little blog hopping. xo

  8. Very unusual- you do find some interesting things to do

  9. What a fun afternoon--amazing sculpture--I would have loved it. Congrats on finding the geocache as well :)

  10. This is absolutely amazing....cannot imagine how much fun it was to go through and find a cache!! Thanks so much for taking us on this journey with you!!


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