
Friday, August 29, 2014

Cool Cache Containers and a Milestone

I wanted to share some of the cool cache containers we've been finding lately.  Lamp skirt caches are fine for upping your numbers, but I really prefer to find clever or different geocaches.  I'm not sharing geocache numbers on any of them in order to protect their identity.  Sorry.  LOL!

Clever micro hidden in a faucet...

Loved this one.  Once we found it we had to figure out how to twist and lift the PVC pipe in order to release the cache....

Cache hidden somewhere in this vicinity.  We looked for quite some time and it eluded us.  Mom finally deciphered the clue on the cache page and after that we quickly had the cache in hand....

Good camouflaged cache hidden in plain sight....

Do you see the cache here?  I had a good idea of where it was as we approached and I was right!

You had to pull a chain to get the cache to rise up and pop out of the pipe....

 We always enjoy finding larger cache containers so we can drop off TB's....

A cache was hidden in this woman's front yard, someplace among the flowers.  Geocachers are invited to look and then ring the doorbell and say hello to the home owner.  We did, but she wasn't home...

Mousetrap anyone??

Super clever cache and Louie made the find on this one....

The clue on this one was misleading, but we managed to figure it out....

Another cache hidden in plain sight.  Makes you look at electrical boxes in a whole new way, doesn't it?

I love the use of magnetic strips.  You peel them away and a waterproof log sheet is hidden on the back of the magnet....

 Cute use of a bat - the geocache container was stuck in it's mouth....

Tribute cache to my buddy Wheels00Wheels has over 11,000 finds.  Yes,  eleven thousand

I always enjoy bird house caches....

Mom and dad playing in the playground.   Not really, they were just finding their last cache of the day and completing a record breaking day for both them and us - 27 geocaches found in one day.  Woo-hoo!!

Believe me, we all went home and took naps after that!


  1. 27 in one day does sound like a lot to me. Very neat your parents join in. Fun!

    1. That's a lot for us but not so for many other cachers. We're happy with what we did tho. :-)

  2. That's so awesome! I love to geocache, but have a hard time finding them a lot of the time. You showing some of the sneaky ways they are hidden here makes me realize that I might not be trying as hard as I thought! Thanks so much for all the tips and tricks. Love it.

    1. Hi Hope - You are welcome - I hope it makes you get out there and look some more. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. :-)

  3. Always love reading about and seeing your adventures!

    1. Thanks Moi - one of these days I'm getting you out there to do this.

  4. You get a lot of exercise and have family time, too. Looks like such fun. I know we walk right by some in our adventures but we don't have a GPS to find them yet! One of these days......! Hugs!

    1. Ha - I guarantee you are walking by them all the time?

  5. Wow, 27 in one day is amazing!! Such a fun hobby and fun family time :)

  6. These are nice cache containers. Thanks for the post.

    1. Hi William - thanks for coming by and leaving a comment.

  7. That is so cool! I'd forgotten about geocaching but the last time I looked they weren't as clever as yours :)

    I've been on the Wright tour in Chicago. It was a few years ago and I LOVED it! It made me wish my house were completely made of wood with skylights everywhere :)

  8. Looks like a good time for all

  9. That's amazing!! 27 in one day?? I'm too chicken to mess with electrical stuff, I have a couple that have eluded me, I think maybe I haven't been searching as thoroughly as you guys do!! Such fun! Thanks for taking us along!!


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