
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bar Keepers Friend

I recently won a cool basket of Bar Keepers Friend products.  Has anyone heard of this product or used it?  I've heard of it and just assumed it was a product to be used on, ahem, bars.   As in alcohol, shots of whisky and loud music...  Apparently I spent too much of my younger years rockin' and rollin'.  So when I looked them up I discovered that it's actually a product to be used in the home, and it's particularly good at removing baked on food and tea stains as well as for removing rust. 

Well Erin over at The Pyrex Collective 2 was having this contest and I thought, what the heck.  Let me enter and see if I win.  After all, I have Pyrex products and frankly, they can use some help.  What do you think?  That's a little baked on yuckiness, don't you agree?

Part of the contest was to write a haiku about your Pyrex product and submit it.  So here's what I wrote....

My beautiful dish
Made of Pyrex white and red
Sits stained and dirty.

And I won!  I can't wait to get my basket of Bar Keepers Friend and go to work on my Pyrex dishes.  They will probably look so beautiful after I get them clean.


  1. Woo-hoo! It's always exciting to win something. Now you can make that dish shine.

    1. I have several that could use a good cleaning. Strange..... I don't cook that much. LOL.

  2. My mother always used that stuff. I have some too.

    1. I honestly have never used it. I can't wait to see how it works.

  3. How neat! That's a great're so smart! Hugs!

  4. Neat prize-- let us know how well it works.

  5. Yes let us know!! I might have to get some....also, will it work on stoneware?? Keep us posted!!

  6. I have heard that stuff works miracles but have never tried it myself. Let us know! Thanks for the welcome back. I'm so glad to see that you are still here! :)

  7. Oh...I love Bar Keepers Friends...I use it all the time. I use it instead of that other know the one that rhymes with "Tomet"


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